Sunday, August 31, 2014

Apparently Legally Blonde sparks a lot of rampage in my brain

When I was a senior in high school I had a fabulous friend who introduced me to the Legally Blonde, the Musical! Soundtrack..  Kara and I have travelled a lot in the past couple of days what with moving and all.  I’m sure we’ve listened to the soundtrack at least 8 times in the last three car rides alone. (Without counting when we spontaneously break out into song when we’re doing other things).

So because we are in love with Elle and wanted to be lazy and not unpack we decided to watch Legally Blonde the movie.  And all I have to say is:

Why isn’t Elle Woods held up as a role model for girls? 

Because even though she proves herself with sheer determination we as an audience still take her for granted.  She’s just some cute blonde who no one really expects to amount to anything other than being “a Victoria’s Secret model”.  Kara and I discussed tonight during the film about how much more determined Elle is in the movie than in the musical.  In the musical, Elle goes to Harvard for love, and she gets in because she convinces the board that her love is a strong enough reason to get into law school.

But that’s not how movie Elle does it.  No, she gets into Law school with a 179 on her LSATs and not because she had to convince someone higher up that she was worthy, (*ahem* Warner Huntington III).  In the film Elle works her ass off.  She gets her head in the game and her nose in the books. 


The moment that movie Elle realizes that she will never be enough for Warner, there’s a look on her face where she’s realized that she doesn’t need to waste her time on someone who doesn’t believe in her.  Whereas in the musical Emmitt has to literally force her to “Get a chip on her shoulder.” 

Why did the musical need to take away the determination and true tenacity that movie Elle shows.  Why does there have to be a dashing rescue by the handsome quirky upperclassmen (not that it’s a bad thing…) but movie Elle gets the guy by being herself and kicking ass at the same time.

We need to teach our children to believe in themselves.  And to stay positive like Elle does.  If they really focus on something and think positively there isn’t anything in their way but themselves. 

Honestly, how many times have you thought to yourself,
Oh, I’ll start that project later.”
“Tomorrow, I’ll have more inspiration.”
“Oh, I have no time for that now.”

How much longer are we going to stand in our OWN way of going after our dreams?  When are we going to realize that later and tomorrow and the time to start is TODAY?  Even better, it’s right now.  Hell, it was five minutes ago.

About a month ago Kara and I spent a couple of hours perusing the psychology section at Barnes and Nobles.  During my search I came across The Magic by Rhonda Byrne.  This book is a spinoff of her book The Secret.  Since we’ve moved to Greenfield I’ve been slowly paging through this book and it’s the weirdest thing.  The whole book is about “How to bring the magic back into your life”, and anyone who knows me knows that I’m a sucker for magic. 

But it wasn’t like the magic I imagined.  Byrne tells you in practically the first sentence.  The magic in life is gratitude.  In just the couple of days we’ve been here practicing gratitude continuously I can honestly say that I feel happier.  Yes there are things that are stressful in our life, but we know what we’re dealing with and choosing not to dwell on the hardships we’re facing but instead look forward with a smile and a heck of a lot of hope.  For the first time in the last 6 years I feel true hope for my future.  This photo program I’m starting IN TEN DAYS (!!!) is going to give me a way to not only express myself but also have a potential to make money.  I’ve never had that before.  When I wanted to be a teacher life seemed easier because the world will always need more teachers.  There was going to be a somewhat steady income from the first couple of jobs.  But the world doesn’t need very many more artists, actors, singers, dancers, photographers and general creative beings.  And so being in college in a major that I loved but didn’t know how the hell I was going to make a living after college.  But now that I have faith and determination (like Elle. (see I knew it was gonna come full circle) I know that these 10 months are going to be phenomenal, and I will not let anyone, especially myself, stand in the way of my life.

P.S. KARA SAYS WE CAN GET A KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Kara’s edit: I SAID WE COULD GET IT AFTER I BECOME EMPLOYED, NOT YET. (But…you know…hopefully soon. Very soon.)]



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