Sunday, November 23, 2014

Turning the Pages

I'll be honest, I have no idea what to write about today. I just know that I need to write, and that today is scheduled to be a blogging day.

Yesterday was a Storymatic day. Are you familiar with Storymatic? It's a writing prompt tool. It has two sets of cards, one representing characters and the other representing scenarios. You draw two of each and come up with a story. A couple days / week, my 500 words will be drawn from storymatic cards. Yesterday taught me that I won't necessarily finish a story in 500 words (nor will I have the energy to write much more than that in one sitting...Yet!), but I'll continue the story over several days of writing if I have to and draw new cards when the first tale is done.

Yesterday, I drew the character cards of "Witness" and "One who is bullied." My other two cards were "Homesick" and "An inconvenient phobia." I came up with a character named Max Greeley who's dad runs a summer  camp. Max just turned 8, and it's his first year being able to attend the camp. He's being bullied a bit one his first day by his cabin mate, Nate, who found out he can really irritate Max by mentioning the fact that Max's father runs the camp. Their cabin councilor, Ashton, is going to play a role in the story, but I'm not sure what yet. He's just kind of...creepy, guess. For now. I'm pretty sure he has an interesting relationship with Mr. Greeley, Max's dad.

I'm hoping that the more I make myself write anything, something every day, the easier it will be to access the thoughts that I know I actually want to write about. I don't know why I can't access them immediately. It's like I have a sea of crap in between them and the thoughts that are currently escaping my head. The more important ones need to cook more, maybe. Or I just have to learn how to get this crap out before I can trust myself with other things. I'm not really sure what's happening. I just know that I have more to say than I'm currently able to.  I'm not sure what to do about it yet, but I'm hoping that taking this one small action towards being able to get my thoughts down again will help. I've also been making sure to journal a little something every day, which has been very helpful. I carry it and a few books with me pretty much everywhere I go.

Other than my writing block, I'm bopping along just fine...I work in an hour and a half, so naturally I'm still cocooned  in bed with a bowl of cereal. (Even though I work on Sundays, I still deserve a lazy Sunday morning!) I have lofty plans of buying some cat litter after work tonight, and maybe drinking some cheap wine or something...who knows.

One thing I do know is that I've successfully written at least 500 words for the past three days, and if that's not progress, I don't know what is :)


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