Sunday, August 31, 2014

Apparently Legally Blonde sparks a lot of rampage in my brain

When I was a senior in high school I had a fabulous friend who introduced me to the Legally Blonde, the Musical! Soundtrack..  Kara and I have travelled a lot in the past couple of days what with moving and all.  I’m sure we’ve listened to the soundtrack at least 8 times in the last three car rides alone. (Without counting when we spontaneously break out into song when we’re doing other things).

So because we are in love with Elle and wanted to be lazy and not unpack we decided to watch Legally Blonde the movie.  And all I have to say is:

Why isn’t Elle Woods held up as a role model for girls? 

Because even though she proves herself with sheer determination we as an audience still take her for granted.  She’s just some cute blonde who no one really expects to amount to anything other than being “a Victoria’s Secret model”.  Kara and I discussed tonight during the film about how much more determined Elle is in the movie than in the musical.  In the musical, Elle goes to Harvard for love, and she gets in because she convinces the board that her love is a strong enough reason to get into law school.

But that’s not how movie Elle does it.  No, she gets into Law school with a 179 on her LSATs and not because she had to convince someone higher up that she was worthy, (*ahem* Warner Huntington III).  In the film Elle works her ass off.  She gets her head in the game and her nose in the books. 


The moment that movie Elle realizes that she will never be enough for Warner, there’s a look on her face where she’s realized that she doesn’t need to waste her time on someone who doesn’t believe in her.  Whereas in the musical Emmitt has to literally force her to “Get a chip on her shoulder.” 

Why did the musical need to take away the determination and true tenacity that movie Elle shows.  Why does there have to be a dashing rescue by the handsome quirky upperclassmen (not that it’s a bad thing…) but movie Elle gets the guy by being herself and kicking ass at the same time.

We need to teach our children to believe in themselves.  And to stay positive like Elle does.  If they really focus on something and think positively there isn’t anything in their way but themselves. 

Honestly, how many times have you thought to yourself,
Oh, I’ll start that project later.”
“Tomorrow, I’ll have more inspiration.”
“Oh, I have no time for that now.”

How much longer are we going to stand in our OWN way of going after our dreams?  When are we going to realize that later and tomorrow and the time to start is TODAY?  Even better, it’s right now.  Hell, it was five minutes ago.

About a month ago Kara and I spent a couple of hours perusing the psychology section at Barnes and Nobles.  During my search I came across The Magic by Rhonda Byrne.  This book is a spinoff of her book The Secret.  Since we’ve moved to Greenfield I’ve been slowly paging through this book and it’s the weirdest thing.  The whole book is about “How to bring the magic back into your life”, and anyone who knows me knows that I’m a sucker for magic. 

But it wasn’t like the magic I imagined.  Byrne tells you in practically the first sentence.  The magic in life is gratitude.  In just the couple of days we’ve been here practicing gratitude continuously I can honestly say that I feel happier.  Yes there are things that are stressful in our life, but we know what we’re dealing with and choosing not to dwell on the hardships we’re facing but instead look forward with a smile and a heck of a lot of hope.  For the first time in the last 6 years I feel true hope for my future.  This photo program I’m starting IN TEN DAYS (!!!) is going to give me a way to not only express myself but also have a potential to make money.  I’ve never had that before.  When I wanted to be a teacher life seemed easier because the world will always need more teachers.  There was going to be a somewhat steady income from the first couple of jobs.  But the world doesn’t need very many more artists, actors, singers, dancers, photographers and general creative beings.  And so being in college in a major that I loved but didn’t know how the hell I was going to make a living after college.  But now that I have faith and determination (like Elle. (see I knew it was gonna come full circle) I know that these 10 months are going to be phenomenal, and I will not let anyone, especially myself, stand in the way of my life.

P.S. KARA SAYS WE CAN GET A KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Kara’s edit: I SAID WE COULD GET IT AFTER I BECOME EMPLOYED, NOT YET. (But…you know…hopefully soon. Very soon.)]



A Declaration

What’s stopping me?

“I’ll do it later.”
“I’ll start tomorrow.”
“I’ll be fine.”

What am I waiting for?

Truthfully, I think I’m waiting for my epic moment to just HAPPEN. Like movies and books and plays and EVERYTHING that we’re taught to base our lives upon.  I’ll have an epiphany and burst into song or a gong will sound or a light bulb will appear atop my head and suddenly my life will start. 

But something is starting starting to tell me that’s not how it works.  THIS is my life and it’s happening right NOW.

Meghan just said that she wants to write a book where the hero gets through his/her plight due to sheer determination – think Elle Woods.  A Wam, Blam, get to work sort of person.  (And -- to those of you who don’t see Elle Woods as that sort of person -- bring it on.)  Anyways – what’s stopping me from being that person?!

I’m sick of telling myself that I’ll get to work later.
                                                            I’ll start tomorrow.
                                                                        Just one more episode!

This is me starting now. 

Bring it on.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Life Update #3

Hey ya'll!

It's been a busy week for the two of us.  We just launched the Moving Ship by getting Meg completely busted out of Vermont -- packed up her childhood room and everything. It was a lot.

But that's all done and we're cleaning house back here in Jerz!  We move into the new place TOMORROW!!!!

I'm so stoked.  We're going from one 400 square foot room with access to a kitchen and bathroom shared by 4 other people, to a 3 bed, 1 bath ALL BY OURSELVES.

With that in mind, I probably won't be putting up a Draco Feels tomorrow, but there will be plenty of New Apartment photos to see :)



One last thing to leave you with --

Friday, August 22, 2014

Draco Feels: The Stressful Years Begin (Part 3 of 6)

Yes, I finally determined how long this series is going to be! (Probably)


Last week, we discussed Draco Malfoy, the Ickle Firstie.  Now we're going to fast forward to...

Big, Bad, Death Eater Draco! 

Or, this guy:

Let's be honest, Draco's not much but a pompous pain in the butt for years two through five, but he suddenly gets very interesting in Half Blood Prince.  In order to fully grasp the changes that happen to him, we have to remember those very important lessons that he learned back in first year:

  1. The world is not fair to Slytherins
  2. You cannot really trust anyone to help you, except maybe another Slytherin 
These lessons hit Draco in full-force at the end of his fifth year -- if you recall, that was the year that the Death Eaters infiltrated the Ministry of Magic and battled with the DA and the Order.  At the end of it all, Lucius Malfoy, among others, was sent to Azkaban and fell in the graces of Voldemort.  Having grown up knowing that his father was in Voldemort's inner circle, and learning that "manliness" means just that, the sudden shift from top dog to chum would have been striking for the sixteen year old.  

A lot happens for Draco in the summer between his fifth and sixth years at Hogwarts -- we obviously don't know all the details, but we can assume that he and his mother were feeling the strain from their loss of Lucius and their fall from grace.  Draco, as the new "man of the house" since his father's arrest, would have been especially tormented. Had these books been written about Draco rather than Harry, Lucius' arrest would have been that pivotal moment where the protagonist learns that even the adults he trusts most are fallible.  So, what does he do? He seeks to prove himself to Voldemort.  He can step up, be a man, and be everything that his father failed to be.  He is young, determined, and full of that youthful sense if invulnerability.  It is this version of Draco that we next encounter on the train going to Hogwarts.

This Draco is more smug that usual -- as I said, he's the new man of his house.  And he's finally been able to step up and prove that he can be a real man (which, to him, means a Death Eater.)  More importantly, this Draco has an assignment straight from Voldemort so that he can finally prove that he can be even more of a man than his father was.  Unlike blundering Lucius, Draco will succeed where everyone else has failed.  He will help the Death Eaters infiltrate Hogwarts, and he will single handedly kill Albus Dumbledore.  And, if he doesn't...the consequences will be severe.  But Draco's youthful confidence will not let him think of failure just yet -- he has a job to do.  

We can most clearly see his new kind of smugness in his interactions with Harry in the beginning of the year. In years past, Harry has easily bested Draco in duels and, if we're being honest, in most aspects of  Hogwarts life.  This new Draco, though, is feeling powerful, and he shows that in a very clear way -- he easily petrifies an invisibility cloak clad Harry and steps on his face, breaking his nose.  (This incident is summarized beautifully in the song In Which I Kick Harry Potter in the Face by Draco and the Malfoys. Listen here!)  Sadly for Draco, this feeling of power doesn't last long...


Thanks for reading, guys!  

Next week I'll finish up going through canon Malfoy with some analysis of the end of HBP and DH (Draco's Downfall, if you will.)

After that, we start delving into a different territory and discuss Draco as a Foil Character...but to Who?! (Spoiler: It's not Harry.) 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

On Being Nice -- OR -- An Accidental Rant on Rape Culture

Sorry I'm not sorry for the sudden turn this post takes...



So, I was watching Dance Moms the other day...
(That's how all the intellectual folks start off blog posts, right?)

Anyways, one of the moms (don't ask me who, I'm not hooked enough to know their names) said something along the lines of, "Well, it can't hurt to be nice to her!"  And that got me thinking.

Does it really ever hurt to be nice to people?!  Sure, all you pragmatic folks are thinking "Yes!" and will cite examples from pop culture where altruistic heroes are "too nice" to the bad guys and blah, blah, blah.  Or maybe you'll cite evidence from your love life where you trusted someone and they tore your heart out anyways. Sure, that stuff happens.  But is it really the fault of the nice person that their actions backfire like that? NO!

When it comes down to it, we really just need to nix the idea that one can ever be too nice or too polite, because that's not the problem at all.  The idea that one can get hurt by being too nice is exactly the same idea that sometimes rape victims are asking for it. Maybe you're thinking that's too far of a jump, but I certainly don't.  Our patriarchal rape culture is exactly the reason we tend to think it's the fault of the nice person when some jerk causes them pain because "they should have expected it." And we make judgments like that all the time.

Let's take a look at some examples, shall we?

  • Sirius didn't die because Harry is "too nice" and has a "saving people thing," he died because Death Eaters are assholes.
  • Regina didn't cast the Curse because Snow White was "too nice" and didn't execute her when she had the chance, she cast the Curse because she's an asshole. (Save the hate, Evil Regals, I'm just making a point! I know, poor hurt baby Regina, poor Daniel, etc, etc.)
  • He didn't break your heart because you were "too nice" and let him get close, he broke your heart because he's an asshole.
Do you see the trend here? It's shocking how completely the problem of victim blaming has seeped into our culture.  We are so quick to say "It was my own fault that I got hurt" rather than "Gosh, that person's a meanie-butt and hurt me!" 

It's time that this trend ends.  Let's call a spade a spade and an asshole an asshole.  Together, we can nix the idea of being "too nice" and "too kind" for good, and eventually overthrow the patriarchy!! 

To lighten the mood, I leave you with Guys Like Potter from A Very Potter Sequel!

"So many douche bags in the world..."

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Life Update #2!

Hey y'all!

It's Kara's Birthday!

She's 23 and not really all that excited about it, but I think that birthdays are important and I'm writing this blog post so I'm mentioning it.

But woah, have I been absent for a really long time or what? Sorry guys between injuries and lack of inspiration, our life has been pretty slow.

We've been playing a lot of Sims 3 lately (because we're weird) and we're trying to play a Legacy Challenge. For those of you who don't know what that is; it's trying to stay focused on playing one family from an original sim through it's 10th generation. It's a handful. Kara's sim just had triplets. And already had a toddler who had only been a toddler for about 10 minutes.   She was less than enthused.

We're getting more and more excited about moving into our second apartment soon.  A relative of mine is moving and we've been able to pick up a lot of furniture for our new 5 room place.  We literally lived in a single room in New Jersey this summer, so we're not quite sure what we're gonna do with all of the space... but I'm sure we'll manage!

I was nominated for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by my uncle last night and so obviously I nominated Kara.  Make sure to enjoy us getting drenched to raise awareness.

Tomorrow we're going back to work at my mom's school and hand out locker combinations.  Fun!  But, hey.  It isn't heavy lifting and we get to be outside in the sun all day!!

I hope you've all been enjoying Kara's Draco Feels series!  I know it's churned out some very interesting conversations from us.

What we've been listening too: :  A silly playlist of wizard rock (Wrock) :P

That's about it for now.  Look forward to Kar's Friday Draco Feels and maybe something intellectual from me sooner or later.



Saturday, August 16, 2014

Malfoy Feels -- Let's Explore Sorcerer's Stone! (Part 2 of ???)

First off, I would like to apologize for the lateness of this post -- life popped up again! And I now find myself in a hotel room in Connecticut without my Harry Potter books to consult as I cobble together my thoughts and feelings on the one and only Draco Lucius Malfoy.

 Art by Katikut on DeviantArt
Art by Katikut on DeviantArt

Let's revisit the Draco Malfoy we all know and love to hate, shall we? 

The first time we see young master Malfoy, he is a wee eleven year old getting fitted for school robes all by his lonesome in in Madam Malkin's shop.  He appears, for all intents and purposes, to be a very sweet little boy, attempting to chat with Harry about Hogwarts houses and the all-important sport of Quidditch as they get fitted side-by-side.  His attempts to make polite conversation show A) How excited he is to be finally going to Hogwarts and B) How genuinely friendly this little boy his.  He knows absolutely nothing about who Harry is or what sort of upbringing he had, yet he talks to him anyways. Sure, he spews off a bit of his parents' ideology regarding muggle born witches and wizards and is shocked by the sight of Hagrid waiting for Harry, but...he's eleven.  Those things are bound to happen.  The important thing is that, for all Malfoy knows, he's chatting amicably to Justin Finch-Fletchley or Ernie Macmillan rather than Harry "Freakin" Potter, and he treats him like a potential friend nonetheless.  

The second time we see Malfoy is the infamous scene on the Hogwarts Express where he extends a hand of friendship to Harry.  Harry obviously turns him down, Scabbers bites Crabbe in the finger, and a series-long animosity is born.  One thing I would like to point out in this scene, however, is that, though Draco does begin his offer of friendship with a bit of a scathing remark about the Weasley family, Harry is no less culpable in this scene when it comes to prejudice.  His main reasons for disregarding Draco's hand of friendship is that the young lad reminds him a bit too much of Dudley Dursley.  In this case, Harry is citing a prejudice all of his own, whereas Draco simply regurgitates his father's way of identifying Ron as a Weasley, something that I am hesitant to blame an eleven year old for.

Throughout the rest of the first book, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle begin fulfilling their destiny as a foil trio, causing mischief and making Harry, Ron and Hermione dislike them. The eleven year old Draco, however, does only two "reprehensible" things to the trio this year.  The first is very early on in the book when he challenges Harry to a duel, most likely due to a bruised ego after Harry denies his friendship and then goes on to break rules and get rewarded for it by a spot on the Gryffindor Quidditch team!!! That's not how things are supposed to work!!!! So Draco sets Harry up to break rules and actually get punished for it (and fails.)

The second bit of mischief he does isn't actually mischief at all.  He overhears word from the trio that THERE IS A DRAGON IN THE CASTLE! Little Draco then borrows a book from Harry with a letter from Charlie Weasley inside of it illustrating a plan to SMUGGLE SAID DRAGON OUT OF THE CASTLE! WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE OF AUTHORITY! Please take a moment to put yourself in Draco's position.  You find out that there is a dragon in the castle. You're eleven.  You have been raised to obey authority and conduct yourself with a sense of propriety. Also, IT'S A DRAGON!!! So, yeah, duh, Draco does the responsible thing and tells Professor McGonagall about this plan.  She's the main trio's head of house, after all, and perhaps she can do something.  By reporting the dragon problem, Draco loses a bundle of house points for Slytherin and gets detention (which is totally unfair since all he did was report a problem), and this, I think, marks a turning point in Draco's development.

From here on out, Draco acts with much more vindictiveness towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione.  He learned from that experience that perhaps the world isn't fair, even to little rich boys.  He starts going to only Professor Snape, the Slytherin head of house, for his troubles rather than trusting McGonagall again. He starts calling Hermione a "filthy Mudblood," and, all in all, plays a little dirtier to get what he wants.  Even so, he remains pretty harmless up until Half Blood Prince, where things start getting a little bit stressful for our favorite bleach-blonde boy...

More on that next week :)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Malfoy Feels...Our Journey Begins (Part 1 of ???)

So, as Meghan mentioned during her Life Update post, I recently had an intense bout of feels for none other than Draco Malfoy.

Like, book Draco Malfoy. Not the beautiful Tom Felton whose lovely face was so marred by tears and torment...

Poor little dear...

It's easy to feel for that!! But never have I ever before felt real feelings of compassion for Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing Ferret, the one who sneers "mudblood" to Hermione, the one who is so dark that Harry suspects he is the Heir of Slytherin, right out of the books.

It all started with the fanfic that Meg and I are reading aloud to each other (because we're cooler that sliced bread in a freezer) called Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion. (Go read it. It's fabulous. It's pre HBP, so no horcruxes or hallows and its wonderful and exactly how it should have been.) So, anyways, we've been taking turns reading the story aloud to each other, and Malfoy obviously plays a role in it. This author is really fabulous at sticking to the characters' personalities as they had been displayed in the books up in until the end of OotP, so her Malfoy got me thinking about what JKR's Malfoy could have been had he reacted been differently to the events in OotP.

Follow me so far?

Okay, so long story short, I have developed an immense respect for Draco Malfoy's character, development, brainpower, as well as athletic skill and a few other things.  It's amazing what sitting down and really thinking hard about a character can produce.

I want to share my Malfoy Feels with you all, so, if you wouldn't mind, come on a journey with me.  I plan on writing a series in a few parts detailing why Draco Malfoy is indeed a good guy. A very good guy. Who deserves our love!!!

We'll start off easy, and next Friday I will post an analysis of Draco's actions in Half Blood Prince, verses everything they could have been (complete, probably, if I have time, with book citations.)  After that, we will delve into my brainspace a little more intently.

I hope you enjoy :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Life Update #1

Hello, all!

Sorry the blog kind of disappeared for a bit... Life has gotten in the way of posting.  We are currently staying at my parents house in Vermont and working at my mother's school as custodial staff.  Yes, it's just about as bad as it sounds.

Hardhats are so in right now :P 

After getting very used to both being on our own, living with my parents is a little bizarre.

We went to work together for the first time and they had us doing manual labor.  Which is cool.  Except I am a whiney brat and I already know I am not too much of a fan of this job.  But oh well... it's well paid and we just have to put up with it for a little while longer.

We are currently being weirdos and reading a Harry Potter fanfic aloud to each other.  Kara has since become over taken with Malfoy feels.  Look for a post from her all about that sometime later.  The fic is called Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion and I really enjoy it.  Its very adult Harry though so beware.

For now we're really boring and that's all there is to say.  Thanks for reading our life update... And someone please pray our lives get interesting again!!
